Tuesday 9 May 2017

The Precious Gift of Friends

A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17

Today would have been my son's 21st birthday.

My wife Judy and I chose to take the day and go to his favourite place; the trailer. To be sure, there were tears. But we were also reminded of the joy he experienced at this camp, appropriately named Joy Bible Camp. He delighted in catching snapping turtles, and snakes (oh so many, big, disgusting snakes ...), and salamanders, and bullfrogs. He loved going tubing, especially Schloobing, and jumping off the cliffs into the lake. When he was little, there was just SO much to experience in such a short time that he just couldn't sleep! I would put him in the van and drive for several miles with the heat turned up (in July) until he finally passed out ... I remember, with a smile, the time he found a baby hummingbird that had fallen to the ground. He took such gentle care of it, nursing it and feeding it sugar water until it started to fly again, at which point we moved it to a small tree. He really had a love for animals, and the outdoors.

But of course, those memories bring back the sorrow and loss too. That's why I am so grateful for the wonderful friends we have, those who were already anticipating that this would be a difficult day, and let us know they were thinking of us. The first was my lovely cousin Lisa and her family, just popping a card in the mail to say they were thinking of us and praying for us. She is always so thoughtful. The same day, a card from Evelyn, telling us the same things. 

Last night, a phone call from Christy. Today, on Facebook and through texts and emails, many friends just sending hugs and kind thoughts and heartfelt prayers that God would be a comfort to us today as we remembered David, and felt his absence. Oh dear friends, how can we thank you for all you've been to us? We thank God for each one of you! Your kindness has been such a balm to our hearts in the midst of deep grief and pain. We are grateful for your thoughtfulness, and the precious gift of your friendship.

The world today seems to honour the person who is a rock, especially among men; independent, he needs no one. But the Bible, God's Word to us, tells us, in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verses 9-12 "Two are better than one ... If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up ... Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves ..."

In the past few months since David's death, there have been many times I have felt overwhelmed, days where I "fell" to depths of bleakness ... and friends like Chris and Jared and Steve were there to help me up again. And my most valued friend, the Friend of Sinners, has walked every step with me. He has comforted me with His Spirit and blessed me through the many friends He has brought into my life.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, dear friends!

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